Product Category*Mandatory field (multiple choices)

    Weight LossBeauty (whitening)Beauty (anti-aging)ImmunityAnti-fatigueGut HealthEye HealthLiver HealthBlood Sugar LevelBlood PressureCholesterol LevelBrain HealthOral HealthRelaxationSleepJointsBonesSport SupplementBody SupplementOthers

    ※Other, Please specify

    Product for reference *Mandatory field


    ※If Yes, please fill in the product name and provide the URL for reference.

    Dosage Form *Mandatory field (multiple choices)

    TabletsPillsSoft GelCapsuleDrinksOthers
    ※Expiry Date
    Other than drinks:2 years, drinks:1 year

    ※Other, Please specify

    Packaging *Mandatory field (multiple choices)

    Bulk (no container)Plastic BottleGlass BottleFoil BagFoil Zipper BagOthers
    ※Plastic bottles without outer box packaging will be packaged with shrink film

    ※Other, Please specify

    Outer box packaging *Mandatory field

    Prepared by Health ManagementSupplied by customer sideNoneTo be confirmed

    Label *Mandatory field

    Prepared by Health ManagementSupplied by customer sideNoneTo be confirmed

    Design *Mandatory field

    Prepared by Health ManagementSupplied by customer sideNoneTo be confirmed

    Order Quantity *Mandatory field

    Additional Ingredients

    Excluded Ingredients

    Ingredients provided

    ※If Yes, Please specify

    Budget (single item or total amount) *Mandatory field


    Targeted Product Launch Date

    Within half yearWithin 1 yearMore than 1 year

    Company Industry (Please select by classifications) *Mandatory field

    Online ShopRetail StoreSell AgencyDoor-to-door salesNetwork salesEstheticsWholesalePlanning/developmentMedical institutionsOthers

    ※Other, Please specify

    Selling Location *Mandatory field

    LocalOverseaLocal & Oversea

    ※Country of sale, please explain more detail if you selected "Overseas" or "Local & Overseas".

    Company *Mandatory field

    Country *Mandatory field

    Authorized Contact Person *Mandatory field

    Gender of Contact Person *Mandatory field


    Email *Mandatory field

    Contact Number *Mandatory field

    ※*Please fill in country code and area code.Example:+81312345678

    Office Address

    Official Website



    • Personal Data Protection Policy

      Health Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "company") recognize that personal data is most important asset in today’s society, handling personal data in a safe and secure way is our first priority. We declare that we will endeavor to protect personal data as below.

      Compliance with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal data

      Company will comply with the laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal data, and handle personal data appropriately.

      Acquisition of personal data

      Company will endeavor to clarify the purpose of use and acquire personal data in a legal and fair way when we acquire personal data,

      Use of personal data

      Personal data acquired by the Company will only be used for the purpose at the time of acquisition or within the reasonable range related to it and to be used in carry out the business.

      Provision of personal data to third party

      Except as required by law, Company will not provide personal data to any third party without the prior consent of the person.

      Management of personal data

      Company will ensure personal data is accuracy and up-to-date and implementing essential personal data security measures in order to prevent loss, falsification, leakage, of personal data.

      Disclosure / Correction / Cessation of use / Deletion of personal data

      Company recognizes that data subject is entitled to request disclosure, correction, cessation of use or deletion of personal data, company have to provide a personal data contact for inquiry, and reply promptly according to the laws and relevant regulations.

    Agree to the terms of use